Ōrākei Local Board News

  • Ōrākei Local Board Te Poari ā-Rohe o Ōrākei

    The Ōrākei Local Board area includes Ōrākei, Mission Bay, Kohimarama, St Heliers, Glendowie, St Johns, Stonefields, Meadowbank, Remuera and parts of Ellerslie.

  • The Sport and Recreation Facilities Investment Fund

    Supports the development of facilities that create opportunities for Aucklander’s to get active.

    The fund recognises the important role that non-council facilities play in serving Auckland's sport and recreation sector.

    Applications Open: 18 February - 18 March 2025

  • Auckland Council Annual Plan 2025/2026 (annual budget)

    Auckland's next annual plan, also known as the annual budget, is due to take effect on 1 July 2025.

    It sets out what we plan to achieve over the next financial year and how we will fund these plans.

    The Mayoral Proposal is a significant part of the process to develop and adopt the annual plan.

    The topics for public consultation were decided at a Governing Body meeting in December 2024.

    Public consultation opens at 12 noon on Friday 28 February and closes at 11.59pm on Friday 28 March 2025.

  • St Heliers Bay Village, St Heliers - Parking Changes

    Auckland Transport realises that parking availability in St Heliers village is limited, and needs to be managed carefully. To do this, they're proposing changes to the existing parking in St Heliers.

    Take a look at the proposal and give your feedback at https://haveyoursay.at.govt.nz/st-heliers-village-parking-changes

    How you can have your say

    Have your say by completing the online feedback form below. The survey is open from 3 March 2025 and closes on 31 March 2025.

    Public Information Day

    Venue: Tāmaki Ex-Services Association Hall, 19 Turua St, Auckland.

    Date: Saturday, 15 March 2025

    Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

  • Community wellbeing grants now open

    Community wellbeing grants are now available to organisations that provide support to individuals and whānau impacted by the severe weather events of 2023.

    The grants, which are funded by the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office, are open for expressions of interest from 17 March until 6 April 2025.

  • World of Cultures 2025

    Welcome to World of Cultures, a multicultural festival celebrating the vibrancy of Tāmaki Makaurau and its people. Explore free and low-cost activities and events across the region with food, dance, art, games, discussion, football, music and more! 

    World of Cultures starts on 21 March, ending with CultureFest a full-day event at Mt Roskill War Memorial Park on 6 April.

    Follow our Facebook page to get the latest updates and festival highlights.

  • It’s Moth Plant Competition time again

    We encourage you to get your school teams registered.

    Registrations are open now:  for more information click here https://forms.gle/wp8RLsyTxcSXQPR98

     The competition starts on Thursday 27 March and runs until Wednesday 7 May.

     Please share this flier (also attached) amongst your classes, teachers, friends and community. Post it on the notice board, the school newsletter and your socials.

    It would be great to have many teams from each school entering.

  • Ōrākei gets new tool to help prepare for emergencies

    A new plan is set to empower the Ōrākei community to better prepare for and respond to emergencies.

    The Ōrākei Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan, created with Auckland Emergency Management (AEM), offers practical guidance to help residents and businesses stay safe before, during, and after an emergency.

    The plan responds to lessons learned from the devastating Auckland floods and Cyclone Gabrielle in 2023, which highlighted the importance of local preparedness and community support during emergency events.

  • St Heliers Library Drop In Tech: Get Help with Jack

    Having a problem with your phone or device?

    Pop in on a Tuesday morning between 10am - 12pm, and Jack may be able to help you with a one on one session.