Community News
SADD youth road safety insights survey 13-19yr olds
Kaitiaki o Ara/SADD stands to empower young people to make our roads safe for everyone. To ensure we are doing this effectively, we need to hear directly from youth – their perspectives, influences, and attitudes towards road safety.
This survey will close on 30th April 2025 with prizes being drawn on 1st May 2025.
Street Art Bike Challenge 2025
EcoMatters is thrilled to announce a fifth year of getting Aucklanders out and about by bike to find street art and win $1000 worth of prizes. But this time it’s different!
For 2025, the Street Art Bike Challenge will be held in balmy April, to make the most of end-of-summer weather as well as Easter and the school holidays. Plenty of opportunity to ride solo, with friends, or the whole whānau 🙂
He pānui – Kāinga Ora
Kāinga Ora put together a monthly panui updating the community on what they are doing in the area.
You can read the panui here.
EcoFest 2025
22 March – 22 April 2025 | Tāmaki Makaurau
EcoFest is an annual month-long festival celebrating the unique environment of Tāmaki Makaurau and how we care for it. The EcoFest 2025 programme is packed with events, activities, installations and workshops for people of all ages and at any stage of their sustainability journey. From composting workshops to beach clean-ups, EcoFest’s aim is to make sustainability fun and accessible, inspiring people to make simple changes to reduce their impact on the environment.
EcoFest is a collaboration between EcoMatters Environment Trust, Kaipātiki Project, Beautification Trust, and Waiheke Resources Trust.
Wanted: Digital Seniors Coaches
Tuesdays | St Heliers Community Centre
Digital Seniors seeks to erase that barrier and help seniors feel supported and empowered as they learn. Our hubs are weekly social learning spaces for seniors to receive free one-on-one coaching and support using their devices in a positive, fun and social environment.
Our new Digital Seniors hub will be held at St Heliers Community Centre weekly from Thursday 19th September. Hubs will run 10am-12 noon every Thursday morning.
Ayumi no kai Japanese Playgroup Auckland
Every Tuesday, 10am - 12pm | Christ Church, 169 Ladies Mile
Japanese songs, hand games, games, seasonal Japanese events, and storytelling for kids aged 0-5 years. $2/session with the first session free.
Age Concern - Monthly Japanese Gathering 集まろう会
Every Second Wednesday, 10am - 12pm | Leicester Hall, Ellerslie
おかげさまで、ご参加くださる皆様の活性の様子がAuckland Councilの方にも徐々に認知いただけておりまして、この度、Orakei Local Boardともコミュニティー活性に向けコラボレーションをスタートできることが決まりました!
早速、今月から毎月第2水曜日10時〜12時、Leicester Hall, Ellerslieでも「集まろう会」を開催いたします。
Panmure Community Network Meetings 2025
12:30pm - 1:30pm | Dunkirk Road Activity Centre | 50 Dunkirk Road, Panmure
2025 Meetings:
- Wed 26th February
- Wed 21st May
- Wed 27th August
- Wed 26th NovemberGet together with like-minded people and organisations working in and around Panmure.
– Collaborate and share information.
– Discounted capacity building and professional development opportunities.
– Make connections and find out what’s going on in the community.Bring your flyers, brochures or business cards to exchange with other members. Tea, coffee, milo, and snacks are provided. | 09 570 5539
Ellerslie Playgroup
Thursdays during school term, 9.30am - 11am | Leicester Hall, Ellerslie
Play, craft, snacks and music for kids aged 0-5 years and their caregivers. Leister Hall, Corner Findlay & Ramsgate St