Age Friendly Ōrākei
Committed to support our local seniors’ priorties
Monthly Japanese Meet-Ups
Age Concern 集まろう会
Announcement of "Atsumaru-kai", an intergenerational exchange centered on Japanese seniors.
Age Concern is holding "Atsumaru-kai" at Leicester Hall from 10am to 12pm on the second Thursday of every month.
日本人シニアを中心とした異世代交流「集まろう会」のお知らせ。毎月第2木曜日10時〜12時、Leicester Hallでも「集まろう会」を開催いたします。
Age Friendly Action Feedback Roadshow Ōrākei
"We want to Hear from You" - an introduction to the Age Friendly Auckland Plan 2022-2027 for the Roadshow held in Oct/Nov 2023 at retirement villages and seniors clubs in the suburbs of the Ōrākei Local Board.
Local seniors tell us their personal priorities and preferences among the range of potential actions listed in the plan. A Feedback Results Report will be published in Dec 2023 which will serve as a guide to target future local age friendly investment to fit the consensus of local seniors’ priorities. Hopefully other parts of Auckland can do the same in the future.
Age Friendly Action Feedback Roadshow Ōrākei Feedback Results Report can be found here.
Presented by the volunteer and community-led Auckland East Community Network
St Heliers Library Drop In Tech: Get Help with Jack
Having a problem with your phone or device?
Pop in on a Tuesday morning between 10am - 12pm, and Jack may be able to help you with a one on one session.
Digital Seniors - St Heliers
Our Auckland East hub is at St Heliers Community Centre every Thursday from 10 am to 12 noon!
If you’re a senior who could benefit from one-on-one free assistance and advice with your digital devices, pop in for a cuppa and chat.
Thanks to Ōrākei Local Board for your support in helping us deliver this service for seniors.