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“The Week” – Your New Climate Story

What is “The Week” about?

This 3-session experience will help wrap your head around the complex problem of climate change. Make sense of how it might affect you and those you love. And to help you figure out how you want to respond to it.

IMPORTANT: We are running “The Week” online 3 times during EcoFest. Please register for the event week in which you can attend all three sessions. This makes for a more connected experience for you and for the other participants.

3 episodes & conversations

You get together 3 times, during a week (hence “The Week”). Each time you watch a 1 hour documentary film episode. And then the heart of the experience:  a guided conversation for 30 minutes (or more if you want) to make sense of it all.

We broke The Week into 3 episodes, because each episode has its own purpose and deserves some time to process. In episode 1, it’s all about facing the reality of what’s coming [global warming, pollution, biodiversity loss]. Episode 2 is all about understanding how we got into this mess and what’s needed for us to collectively get out of it. And episode 3 is about what each one of us can do, individually and with other people we know.

A group experience

Don’t do “The Week” alone. It’s an experience you do with friends, family or a group of colleagues. Because it’s helpful to engage with a topic as big as the climate crisis with a small group of people you know, or get to know, and not be on your own.

A ”U”-shaped journey

Be prepared for a ride! It’s shaped like a “U”. Episode 1 is the hard one where we go down the “U” and look straight at what’s coming, without blinking. In episode 2, we make sense of it all.  And episode 3 gets us up the “U”, it’s empowering and inspiring.

No polar bears

We won’t be talking about polar bears or ice sheets melting. The Week is about what is likely to happen to us and the people we love, in the next 10, 20 or 30 years. The videos look at parts of North America and Europe. In our discussions we’ll look at NZ and what we can realistically do about it.

Cost: Free

Registration/Ticket Info: Register for free on Humanitix

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“The Week” – Your New Climate Story