Embark on a visual odyssey with “Kaitiaki through Their Own Lenses,” a captivating photography exhibition showcasing the unique perspectives of our Kaitiaki.
This immersive experience, presented in collaboration withTāmaki College, IMAgEN8, and Tāmaki WRAP, invites you to delve into the profound connection between our Kaitiaki, communities, and natural surroundings.
Our Kaupapa/purpose is to foster a deeper understanding of these connections, weaving together creativity, curiosity, and care. Through the lenses of talented students, the exhibition unveils a tapestry of diverse narratives, each telling a story of individual and collective aspirations.
This visual journey aims to create a shared sense of belonging, contributing to the overall well-being of our community. By embracing their unique perspectives, we aim to cultivate a heightened appreciation for the intricate threads that bind us to our communities and the natural world.
Let’s share this opportunity to witness the world through their lenses, illuminating the beauty of our interconnectedness.
Cost: Koha