Attend a FREE public event to give us your feedback on your priorities for future Age Friendly action in our part of Auckland. Hear about the Age Friendly Auckland Action Plan, the services available from Age Concern Auckland and some great examples of Age Friendly projects.
Watch the introduction video HERE
In-person sessions are:
Mon 02-Oct, 10:00am, Remuera St Johns Friendship Club, 71 Tamaki Drive (upstairs)
Tues 10-Oct, 10:30am, Mens Shed Auckland East, 98 Abbotts Way, Remuera
Thu 12-Oct, 10:30am, St Andrews Village, 207 Riddell Road, ring 09-926-7973 to book
Wed 18-Oct, 10:30am, Bupa Remuera Village, 10 Gerard Way, St Johns
Thu 19-Oct, 10:30am, Eastcliffe Village, 217 Kupe Street, Ōrākei
Fri 20-Oct, 12 noon, Ōrākei R.S.A., 178 Kepa Road, Ōrākei
Tue 24-Oct, 10:15am, Edmund Hillary Village, 221 Abbotts Way, Remuera
Wed 25-Oct, 2:00pm Summerset Heritage Park Village, 8 Harrison Road, Ellerslie
Fri 27-Oct, 2:00pm, Grace Joel Village, 184 St Heliers Bay Road, St Heliers
Mon 30-Oct, 10:30am, Rawhiti Estate Village, 14 Rangitoto Ave, Remuera
Sun 05-Nov, 3:00pm, Churchill Club, 259 Riddell Road, Glendowie
Wed 08-Nov, 5:00pm, Kohimarama Bowling Club, 30 Melanesia Road, Kohimarama
Mon 20-Nov, 11:00am, 7 St Vincent Village, 7 St Vincent Ave, Remuera
Mon 27-Nov, 10:00am, Meadowbank Village, 154 Meadowbank Road, Meadowbank (ring 021-0829-0970 to book if you are a visitor to the village)
Tue 28-Nov, 2:15pm Remuera Gardens Village, 57 Richard Farrell Ave, Remuera
If you are unable or prefer not too attend an in-person session, you can give us your feedback online HERE